Curriculum - Bachelor's & Associate's
KIU offers students the opportunity to acquire a well-rounded education - liberal arts courses that provide a foundation for knowledge, to more specialized courses which provide professional enhancement.
Originally, general education was established with the intent of providing all students with basic knowledge. Through an education in the liberal arts, schools envisioned enriching the students' knowledge, and therefore universities in the US put considerable weight on general education classes. Schools generally require students to spend the majority of their first two years of college taking liberal arts foundational courses. Once the foundation is laid, each individual can choose a particular field of interest to study more in-depth. KIU has formed its liberal arts curriculum with considerable weight placed on the general education classes.
Core Class Distinctives
KIU offers general education in a well-balanced interactive lecture format, in the western liberal arts style. Students start their college career with a good foundation in the basics, and on that foundation each one builds in the particular interest area he / she has. As a student experiences the whole program at KIU, they develop in many areas: analytical thinking skills, communication skills. They learn these skills as they give presentations and take part in discussions.
Credits Necessary for Graduation
Credit hours necessary for a degree
128 credit hours
Core Courses
47 credit hours
Foreign Language
16 credit hours
Major Requirements
33 - 42 credit hours
23 - 32 credit hours
Core Courses
カテゴリー | 分野 | 科目コード | 科目名 |
自然科学 | 科学関連(1科目選択) | BIOL 200 | 基礎生物学 |
- | CHEM 121 | 基礎化学 I | |
- | PHYS 231 | 物理学 I | |
- | 数学関連(1科目選択) | ※※※ | 数学/生物/化学/物理/コンピューター |
- | ※※※ | MATH 121以上 | |
社会科学 | 社会科学関連 | ※※※ | 社会学/経済学 |
- | 政治関連 | GOVT 201 | 日本政治学 |
- | GOVT 220 | アメリカ政治学 | |
- | コミュニケーション | COMS 101 | 基礎演説法 |
人文科学 | 日本史 | HIJA 201 | 日本史前期 |
- | HIJA 202 | 日本史後期 | |
- | 西洋史 | HIUS 220 | アメリカ文明史 |
- | HIEU 201 | 西洋文明史前期 | |
- | HIEU 202 | 西洋文明史後期 | |
- | 芸術・音楽・演劇関係(1科目選択) | ARTS 101 | 芸術鑑賞論 |
- | DRAM 101 | 演劇鑑賞論 | |
- | MUSC 103 | 音楽鑑賞論 | |
- | 宗教関連 | ANTH 101 | キリスト教学概論 |
- | ANTH 205 | 日本宗教学概論 | |
- | 哲学関連 | PHIL 201 | 哲学・現代思想 |
- | 文学関連 | ENGL 200 | 文学概論 |
言語関連 | 書法関連 | JAPN 101 | 日本語文章表現 |
International Studies Department
Core Courses for Major
科目コード | 科目名 (英) | 科目名 (日) |
COMS 213 | Cross-Cultural Communications | 異文化コミュニケーション |
HIJA 201 | Japanese History to 1868 | 日本史前期 |
HIJA 202 | Japanese History since 1868 | 日本史後期 |
HIUS 220 | Civilization of the U.S. | アメリカ文明史 |
HIEU 201 | Western Civilization to 1868 | 西洋文明史前期 |
HIEU 202 | Western Civilization since 1868 | 西洋文明史後期 |
International Business Department - Core Courses
科目コード | 科目名 (英) | 科目名 (日) |
BUSI 102 | Intro. to Computer-based Systems | コンピューター概論 |
BUSI 301 | Business Law | ビジネス法学 |
BUSI 310 | Principles of Management | 経営学 |
BUSI 340 | Organizational Behavior | 組織行動論 |
BUSI 342 | Human Resource Management | 人事管理論 |
BUSI 434 | International Business | 国際ビジネス論 |
ECNC 213 | Principles of Economics I | ミクロ経済学 |
ECNC 214 | Principles of Economics II | マクロ経済学 |
Political Science - Core Courses
科目コード | 科目名 (日) | 科目名 (英) |
GOVT 220 | American Government | アメリカ政治学 |
GOVT 201 | Japanese Government | 日本政治学 |
GOVT 330 | Introduction to Comparative Politics | 比較政治学 |
GOVT 340 | International Relations | 国際関係論 |
GOVT 403 | International Trade and Finance | 国際貿易・金融論 |
GOVT 495 | Directed Study | 指定されたリサーチ |
GOVT 497 | Special Topics | 特別課題 |
International Business Department - Core Courses
Core Courses for Major
科目コード | 科目名 (英) | 科目名 (日) |
GOVT 220 | American Government | アメリカ政治学 |
GOVT 201 | Japanese Government | 日本政治学 |
GOVT 330 | Introduction to Comparative Politics | 比較政治学 |
GOVT 340 | International Relations | 国際関係論 |
GOVT 403 | International Trade and Finance | 国際貿易・金融論 |
GOVT 495 | Directed Study | 指定されたリサーチ |
GOVT 497 | Special Topics | 特別課題 |
Liberal Arts Department
Core Courses
分野 (日) | 分野 (英) |
外国語科目 | EFL/JAPN |
Major Courses
分野 (英) | 分野 (日) |
Natural Science | 自然科学 |
History | 歴史 |
Social Science | 社会科学 |
Art/Literature/Music | 芸術・文学・音楽 |
Religion(Christianity) | キリスト教学 |
General Electives | 自由選択科目 |