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​Academic Policies

KIU is modeled after the American college education system.

Credit Classification


Credit Hours


0~25 credits


26~57 credits


58~91 credits


92+ credits

Credit Registration Requirements

Students may register for 12 credits per semester (10 weeks). However, students whose GPA is below 2.0 may not register for courses that would exceed a 10 credit limit. Students who wish to enroll in 13-15 credits must receive approval from the academic dean. Only students with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, and with a minimum of 30 completed credits may apply for this permission. Enrollment in more than 15 credits in one semester requires the approval of the academic dean. Only students with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher may seek permission.

Credit Hours

"Credit hour" refers to the basic unit used for calculating class hours with the number of credits.
Generally, one credit hour means a class is offered for 15 class periods. One class is 50 minutes long. Students are expected to spend 2 hours outside of class preparing for each hour of class.

Grading Scale



98 - 100


93 - 97


90 - 92


87 - 89


83 - 86


80 - 82


77 - 79


73 - 76


70 - 72


67 - 69


63 - 66


60 - 62


0 - 59


Incomplete - grade pending




Passing (no grade assigned)

  • The grade of Incomplete (I) is assigned when there is incomplete work. No credits are given with an I. When a proper grade is awarded and the I is removed from the student's record, grade points will be authorized and credits will be given. This will be included in the cumulative GPA.
    (See "Incomplete" below.)

  • WD is assigned when a student withdraws from a class prior to the 7th week of class. WD does not count for credits or for grade point. (See "Changes in Enrollment" below.)

  • The grade of Passing (P) may be given for some classes. A grade of P is not calculated into the cumulative GPA, but the credits count toward graduation requirements.

  • The course instructor has the sole authority to evaluate the student and assign a grade. However, if a student feels his / her grade was unfair, the student can meet with the director of academic affairs to discuss the situation. If there is no resolution, the student can bring the matter to the academic dean.

Change of Grade

After final grades are recorded, no grade may be changed for any reason except for an error in recording.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated as an indicator of overall academic performance by multiplying each grade by the number of credits for the course then totaling all courses taken, and finally dividing the total by the total number of credits. GPA is calculated from completed courses in which letter grades A, B, C, D or F are assigned.


There are two types of GPA scores: Semester GPA and Cumulative GPA.


  1. Semester GPA refers to the average score for a given semester.

  2. Cumulative GPA refers to the overall average of completed courses since enrollment.


The grade of Incomplete (I) may be assigned at the request of a student or by the decision of the instructor. Incomplete means that a student has done satisfactory work in the course, but has failed to complete all the course requirements due to extenuating circumstances. Incompletes must be removed within 5 weeks of the end of the semester. Any incompletes that remain unchanged will then be turned to Fs by the instructor and the student will be notified. The registrar will discuss the case with the instructor, and the Dean will make a final judgement about finalizing the F.


Any student with an I in EFL / JFL courses must complete all required work before the end of the drop-add period in order to advance to the next course in the EFL / JFL program.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat courses which they have failed or for which they have received credit. The only grade used on the record and used for determining GPA is the final course. Students must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher in order to graduate and therefore repeating some courses and passing with higher grades will improve their cumulative grade point average. Students must have grades of D or higher in the general education courses and grades of C or higher in major courses. A student who does not pass with high enough grades is required to retake them in order to graduate. It is recommended that students repeat courses as soon as possible after receiving low marks.

Probation, Suspension and Reinstatement


Any student who falls below the standards listed below, will be placed on academic probation:

  1. failure to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0

  2. failure of 6 or more credit hours in any given semester, regardless of GPA.

A student on academic probation is not eligible to enroll in more than 10 credit hours per semester. The administration advises students on probation to take fewer classes at a time in order to spend more concentrated time on each.


KIU students are generally suspended due to the following conditions:

  1. Failure to attain necessary standing after a semester on probation. The following chart indicates the necessary standards.

    • Completed Credits Hours: 24 - 45   Minimum GPA: 1.8

    • Completed Credits Hours: 46 - 64   Minimum GPA: 1.9

    • Completed Credits Hours: 65+    Minimum GPA: 2.0

  2. Failure of 6 or more credit hours in 2 consecutive semesters, regardless of GPA.

A student may appeal to the school president if he / she wants to continue studies without being suspended. The duration of a suspension is limited to one semester. However, after failing a third time to maintain a GPA of 2.0, the length of suspension will be increased to at least one year.


A student who has been suspended from the university for a year or more may appeal to the president to request reinstatement. A reinstated student who achieves a 2.0 or higher during the first semester of reinstatement is eligible to continue his / her studies even if the cumulative GPA is not yet at the required level.

Advanced Placement by Examination

KIU offers students the option of earning college credit when students successfully pass examinations of lower level courses. Credit hours earned in this manner satisfy the same requirements as comparable courses. KIU accepts scores submitted by TOEFL, CLEP and CEEB.
KIU offers advanced language and math examinations as well. Students may test out of classes they wish to "challenge".
Examinations may be taken under the following conditions.

Requirements for Advanced Placement Testing

  1. Student must have approval of the academic dean and the appropriate full-time professor.

  2. Exam may not be taken to raise grades or to remove previous course failures.

  3. Student may take the examination only once.

  4. A student who has earned credit for a more advanced course in a particular subject area may not take an examination for that subject.

  5. Examinations are given for Kyoto International University courses only, and students who test out of a course will be charged a fee equal to half of the regular tuition.

  6. No more than 32 credits of courses taken by extension, correspondence, service credit, and advanced placement examinations can be counted toward graduation. Students may petition the academic dean to have this requirement waived. It will be considered on an individual basis.

Credit Transfer

Credits for courses considered equivalent to those offered at KIU can be transferred from accredited institutions if the student has earned a C or higher. Kyoto International University transfers credit hours only; grades are not transferable.

Change in Course Registration

Drop and Add

During the first 7 days of a semester, students may change their schedules by dropping and adding classes. Withdrawals made during this time will not appear on transcripts. Courses may be added only when there are openings in the class for additional students and when the schedule does not exceed what a student is permitted to take. (See Credit Load above.) In order to drop or add a class, a student must complete a Drop / Add form complete with the signatures of the instructors. If an instructor is not available, the student must see the academic dean.


After the 7th day of classes, all courses in which a student is enrolled will be recorded in the student's record. Note below how the withdrawal will be handled.

8th day ~ 6th week    

A student can withdraw for any reason. A WD will be recorded in the transcript. The student must complete a 'Withdrawal' form. 

7th week ~ 8th week    

A student can only withdraw from a class for verified circumstances of non-academic nature.

9th week ~ end of term    

Students may not withdraw from classes during this period for any reason. At this point, an evaluation of the students' work is required and Incompletes may be granted if provisions of the KIU Incomplete Policy apply.

Automatic Withdrawal

Students are automatically withdrawn from courses in which they get an "F" by midterm. Exceptions are granted to students who receive approval from the instructor to remain in the course.

Leave of Absence

If a student needs to take more than a seven-week leave of absence during the semester due to extenuating circumstances such as illness or financial need, the student must complete the process of withdrawal as described above and submit an official request for leave of absence at the Academic Affairs Office. If the reason is illness, an official letter from the doctor is required. All policies for withdrawal from classes will apply.

If a student takes a leave of absence for a full semester or more, appropriate arrangements must be made with the Academic Affairs Office. Appropriate fees must be paid to maintain a position in the university. When a student returns , he / she will be readmitted upon the payment of any outstanding fees.

Withdrawal from University

When a student wishes to withdraw from all classes, he / she must submit the official withdrawal form signed by the guardian and return the student ID card at the Academic Affairs office. Upon hearing the reason for withdrawal, appropriate action will be taken. If the withdrawal is taking place after course registration, action will proceed as follows:

  1. Withdrawal during Drop / Add period
    All courses will be considered dropped and nothing will remain on the record.

  2. Withdrawal occurring after Drop / Add period and before finals
    Grades of WD will be entered in the transcripts for all courses the student was registered for.

  3. Withdrawal during Final Exam period
    No withdrawals will be accepted once the final exams have begun. No WDs will be awarded.

Tuition Refund

Tuition fees may be refunded if the student submits an official Notice of Withdrawal to the KIU office no later than six weeks prior to the beginning of a new trimester. After that, there will be no refund for that trimester. There will be no refund for other fees, either. Only tuition fees that were paid in advance are eligible for refund. Refunds will be charge a 5,000 yen domestic service fee and/or a 10,000 yen international service fee in addition to all bank transfer fees. Tuition fees paid in annual installments are recalculated as trimester installments.

Cancellation of Classes

If an instructor cancels a class, it will generally be posted on the bulletin board, however, if an instructor does not appear within 30 minutes of the start of a class, the class will be considered canceled.
Classes will be canceled for the following reasons:

Weather warnings and university closures

Classes will be canceled if there is a severe weather warning (keihoh) for the Yamashiro chubu region of Kyoto prefecture at 7:00am.


  • Students will be excused in the following situations:
    1. there is a severe weather warning in the area where the student lives.
    2. the public transportation to school is cancelled. In this situation, students need to notify their instructor via e-mail.

  • Students who leave home prior to 7:00am are required to check the weather warning updates.
    [Japanese Meteorological Agency Weather Warnings]

Transportation company strikes

When strikes are expected, class procedures will be posted on the bulletin board.


Lack of Payment

If a student has not paid required fees by the deadline, he / she will not be considered registered. In cases where the student fails to pay all feed due the university, no official documents (such as transcripts) will be issued. However, grades for all courses for which the student has paid will be recorded.

Independent Study

A student may be allowed to arrange a course on an independent study basis. Such courses will be offered only with the written permission from the academic dean. Reasons for offering independent study include a students' need to complete a graduation requirement in a semester in which the specific course is not offered in the university's class schedule.

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